The symptoms of phosphorus deficiency, according to Dr. Lawrence Wilson, are arthritis, fatigue, fragile bones, stunted growth, reproductive problems, muscle weakness, tooth decay and rickets (1). Fairly serious symptoms caused by the lack of one mineral!
Low phosphorus reading in the ARL Labs' analysis indicates that phosphorus is not being utilized properly by the body. I take this to be the same as being deficient in phosphorus. The reasons why this deficiency occurs, however, may be complicated, and not necessarily fixed as easily as supplementing with phosphorus. The bigger picture of what being deficient in phosphorus means, and how to correct it, is discussed below, based on the Nutritional Balancing Science and the related Hair Mineral Analysis report.
Low phosphorus reading according to Dr. Lawrence Wilson means the following (1):
From an email from Will Houghton, my first Hair Mineral Analysis nutritionist:
From my hair mineral analysis report by ARL Labs (2):
"Excellent digestion is key to improving one's health. If digestion is impaired, even the best diet will not supply the body with needed nutrients. Additionally, improperly digested food will ferment or putrefy in the intestines and produce extremely toxic chemicals that are then absorbed into the body. Proper digestion depends on one's diet, eating habits, energy levels, digestive enzymes, bowel flora and the condition of the intestines.
"Your hair tissue mineral analysis indicates impaired digestion."
Phosphorus is found in all protein foods. Meat, according to Dr. Wilson, is far higher in bioavailable phosphorus compounds than other foods. "This is one of the reasons vegetarians may be prone to fatigue, anxiety and depression more than meat eaters." (1)
Cow's milk is very high in phosphorus. But calves need more energy to grow faster than human babies, and mother's milk is quite low in phosphorus in comparison to cow's milk. Milk from smaller animals such as goats and sheep may thus be more suitable for humans, and are also lower in phosphorus. (1)
Soda pop contains phosphoric acid, which is used to cut the sweetness. This can be absorbed to some degree, Dr. Wilson says. However, phosphoric acid is very acidic and can erode the teeth, as well as causing other problems. (1)
Raw grains contain phytates, which are a different type of phosphorus compound. The problem with phytates, however, is that they bind vital minerals and remove them from the body. Some ancient methods of food preparation, such as adding yeast to bread dough or adding lime to corn, were developed to reduce the phytate content of grain foods. Raw or soaked grains instead of baked bread, thus, may deplete you of minerals. (1)
Ideal phosphorus levels are crucial to ensure the correct functioning of the following aspects of health. Keep in mind that all phosphorus in the body exists as phosphates (PO4) (1):
Low hair phosphorus may be caused by the following (1):
(1) Dr Lawrence Wilson: Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis
(2) My hair mineral analysis report by ARL Labs
Protein deficiency may be linked to sugar intolerance
Hair Mineral Testing
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Caveman Diet - High protein, low-carb diet experiment
Fifth Hair Mineral Analysis test results, April 2015, Critical Review
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Ulla is the Editor of Cheap Health Revolution, covering natural remedies and health solutions. Read more about Ulla and this website here: "About CHR"