If you love books like we do, and if natural health is your passion, you will cherish the resource provided here - a list of the most inspiring and life-changing natural health books that the readers and contributors to this website have come across. We have provided summaries of some of the books, a brief description of others, and some links also to websites where books can legally be downloaded for free in electronic format. Follow the Amazon links to read reviews of these books by others.
Some examples of 'light' reading are included too. These address similar revolutionary and holistic health topics but in the form of a novel or a personal story.
This list is updated regularly.
All the books listed here are fundamentally about holistic physical and mental health. Some have a spiritual component, many are scientific, and many are written by cutting-edge doctors and therapists. Some are personal accounts. Many, if not all, of these natural health books are paradigm-shifters. All are highly recommended reading but please don't get overwhelmed as the list currently includes 101 books. We don't agree with everything that is said in these books and sometimes highlight the reservations in the reviews. We hope that you will enjoy these natural health books as much as we have - may they provide you with joy, expanded horizons, and well-being.
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Note: The book links below will take you to the book reviews on Amazon unless otherwise stated.
Healthy at 100: The Scientifically Proven Secrets of the World's Healthiest and Longest-Lived Peoples by John Robbins
The Blue Zones: 9 Lessons for Living Longer from the People Who've Lived the Longest by Dan Buettner
The seven 'Blue Zones' of the world, i.e. the places where people live the longest and stay healthiest, as listed in this book are: 1) Sardinia, Italy 2) Acciaroli, Italy 3) The islands of Okinawa, Japan 4) Loma Linda, California (Seventh-day Adventists) 5) Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica 6) Icaria, Greece
7) Öland, southern Småland and northeastern Skåne, Sweden. Notice how the focus of this book is on Western or Westernized countries, whereas elsewhere there are many reports on very long lived people who reside near the Himalayas, for example.
The Centenarians of the Andes by David Michael Davies
Rare Earths Forbidden Cures: by Joel D Wallach and Ma Lan:
This book is not very well laid out, and some parts of it are not for the faint of heart (e.g., where he documents different diseases in photographs). However, the authors put together a proposition that aging and disease is largely due to mineral deficiencies, and that the longest lived people live in mineral rich environments. In the book he includes newspaper cuttings of people claimed to have lived well beyond 100 years old, even over 200 years.
Eating for Beauty by David Wolfe
Another very inspiring raw food book from David Wolfe, Eating for Beauty focuses on the importance of eating certain minerals and superfoods in as natural and fresh form as possible to improve your looks.
Longevity, Enjoying Long Life Without Limits by Brian Clement
Hippocrates Life Force by Brian Clement
Longevity Now by David Wolfe
Book Summary Here
Renegade Beauty: Reveal and Revive Your Natural Radiance - Beauty Secrets, Solutions, and Preparations by Nadine Artemis:
The 10 Secrets Of Healthy Ageing: How to live longer, look younger and feel great by Patrick Holford and Jerome Burne.
Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones by Suzanne Somers.
Lifeforce: A Dynamic Plan for Health, Vitality, and Weight Loss by Dr. Jeffrey McCombs
A brilliant book on candida and how to beat it using strong doses of natural supplements. Dr. McCombs' 'Lifeforce Plan' (McCombs Plan) outlines a four-month dietary programme with supplements to free you of candida. In 'Lifeforce', the author also explains why most of us have candida overgrowth without knowing it and how we can improve our lives by killing the excess candida and re-establishing the 'yeast and bacteria' -balance into our guts. Highly recommended reading.
Book Summary Here
Fat Around the Middle by Marilyn Glenville
How to lose belly fat. Discusses the link between stress hormones, the adrenal glands, blood-sugar imbalance and stomach fat. A very useful read if you want a flat belly. Worked for me and relies primarily on dietary advice - although supplements, stress reduction techniques and exercises are also recommended.
Book Summary Here
Mastering Cortisol: Stop Your Body's Stress Hormone from Making You Fat Around the Middle by Marilyn Glenville
The Everything Candida Diet Book: Improve Your Immunity by Restoring Your Body's Natural Balance by Dr. Jeffrey McCombs
The Gabriel Method: The Revolutionary Diet-Free Way to Totally Transform Your Body by Jon Gabriel
Life Without Bread: How a Low Carbohydrate Diet Can Save Your Life by Christian Allan, Wolfgang Lutz
The IBS Low-Starch Diet by Carol Sinclair
Very interesting book stating that starch-free diet is beneficial for those with IBS and other gut imbalances. Related article here: "Is Starch Worse for Your Health Than Sugar?"
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton
A book written by a scientist who discovered that our thoughts and environment influence the genes and that the DNA is only a list of possibilities. A scientific explanation on how our lives are controlled more by our minds than our genes. A fascinating read and very believable. The field of epigenetics and stem cell research address the same ideas that were put forward in this book.
The Field by Lynne McTaggart
This book outlines cutting-edge research experiments in telepathy, power of the mind, prayer/ meditation and predictions. Written in an easy-to-understand mainstream language, 'The Field' is a classic among those who believe such phenomena and want to be able to offer some evidence that it works. The whole book consists of descriptions of scientific experiments.
You Are the Placebo by Dr Joe Dispenza
The Genie Within: Your Subconscious Mind - How it Works and How to Use It by Harry W Carpenter
A very strange and a very inspiring book revealing some quite unbelievable secrets about how our subconscious mind works and how we can make it work for us. The idea presented by Carpenter is that the powers of our subconscious mind are of vast proportions and we can learn to benefit hugely from those powers. The book emphasizes the importance of your thoughts on transforming your life from slightly different (but compatible) point of view than the Law of Attraction.
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy
Similar to Harry Carpenter's book, the Genie Within, but this one has a more religious approach. Not quite as inspiring as Carpenter's book in my opinion.
Left in the Dark (The Biological Origins of the Fall from Grace): An Investigation into the Evolution of the Human Brain. A Journey to the Edge of the Human Mind by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright
Another radical theory on the hidden powers of our brain. The authors have found through personal experimentation that combining a raw food diet with methods of right-brain activation can reveal some amazing skills of the brain. Very interesting findings but sometimes also quite odd and questionable... This is a natural health book which promotes the raw food diet in many ways, and, interestingly, describes a glorious historical past when man lived in 'paradise' and his brain worked better. A free ebook download link is provided.
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Return to the Brain of Eden: Restoring the Connection between Neurochemistry and Consciousness by Graham Gynn and Tony Wright
Zero Limits: The Secret Hawaiian System for Wealth, Health, Peace & More; Featuring the ancient Hawaiian teachings of Ho'oponopono by Joe Vitale & Dr. Iheakala Hew Len
About the power of positive thinking from a Hawaiian Shamanism perspective. This book maintains that you can affect anything in the world through your own thinking and you are responsible for everything that happens. Dr. Hew Len claims to have healed a whole ward of mental hospital patients without involving the patients in the process by the power of his own thinking. Apart from this strange claim, this book has some good techniques for meditation and for using 'I love you' mantra to work through difficult mental states. (Follow the text link above for a book summary.)
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Self-Hypnosis for Life: Mind, Body and Spiritual Excellence by Dr. Tracie O'Keefe
Subliminal: The New Unconscious and What It Teaches Us by Leonard Mlodinov
The Surrender Experiment: My Journey Into Life's Perfection by Michael A. Singer
Generative Trance: The Experience of Creative Flow by Stephen Gilligan
The Courage to Love: Principles and Practices of Self-Relations Psychotherapy by Stephen Gilligan
The Easiest Way to Live: Let Go of the Past, Live in the Present and Change Your Life Forever by Mabel Katz
The Hero's Journey: A Voyage of Self-Discovery by Stephen Gilligan and Robert Dilts
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
A mainstream classic, this small book is worth reading for a quick introduction to the idea of the 'Law of Attraction'. For a more in-depth book, however, read 'Ask and It is Given' by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
Ask and It Is Given: Learning to Manifest the Law of Attraction: The Teachings of Abraham by Esther and Jerry Hicks
The classic book on the Law of Attraction, which is held to be one of the main laws of nature that shape our lives. The authors hold that 'thoughts are things', which affect their surroundings. The next step in the reasoning is 'like attracts like', which is at the heart of the law of attraction idea, and which makes controlling your thoughts the single most important thing you could do for your life - for, Esther and Jerry Hicks claim - your thoughts create your reality every day.
- Raw Food Life Force Energy: Enter a Totally New Stratosphere of Weight Loss, Beauty, and Health by Natalia Rose
This book outlines a weekly raw food diet plan which includes drinking green smoothies. Solid advice, and a worthwhile raw food book.
- The Sunfood Diet Success System (book summary) by David Wolfe
An all time classic raw food book and very inspiring reading, suitable for both beginners and more advanced raw foodists. It is a huge book, with amazing amounts of inspiring information on the benefits of the raw food diet, as well as practical advice. Highly recommended (although there is plenty of not-so-fantastic poetry included). If you're only going to read one raw food book, make it this one. I personally keep reading this book summary over and over again as I find it so inspiring.
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- Food Enzymes for Health & Longevity: Revised and Enlarged by Dr. Edward Howell
- Enzyme Nutrition: The Food Enzyme Concept: Unlocking the Secrets of Eating Right for Health, Vitality and Longevity by Dr. Edward Howell
A book much quoted by raw foodists, this is the main theory book on why enzymes are crucial for your health. It has a more scientific and less inspirational approach and some say the research is a little dated.
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- 'The Remedy: The Five-Week Power Plan to Detox Your System, Combat the Fat, and Rebuild Your Mind and Body' by Supa Nova Slom
A raw food book on being 'a chlorophyllian' and transforming your life. The emphasis is on drinking plenty of green juice and exercising. Daily raw food diet plans are provided for both eating and exercising. Supa Nova Slom is the son of Queen Afua, the famous raw food author and lecturer.
- Quantum Eating by Tonya Zavasta
A very interesting raw food book but possibly slightly dangerous, since it recommends not eating in the mornings or evenings! Tonya Zavasta makes it clear that she recommends these strategies only for advanced raw foodists. Nevertheless, this book does state that it is good to reduce the eating hours in the day and the author claims only to eat during 2-4 hours per day. Although this is a fascinating raw food book in many ways, and I still visit her blog quite often, I don't currently agree with many of Tonya's statements.
- Green for Life by Victoria Boutenko
A classic raw food book and a must-read on the importance of greens in the raw food diet. Victoria Boutenko, the mother of 'The Raw Family' found that the raw food she and her family were eating was not enough to keep them healthy in the long-term, and after studying the eating habits of gorillas she discovered what was missing: green smoothies.
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- Nature's First Law: The Raw Food Diet by Arlin, Dini, Wolfe
An extreme raw food book which keeps repeating the phrase 'cooked food is poison'. Only partly written by the authors and partly a republication of an old book by someone else.
- Blatant Raw Foodist Propaganda! by Joe Alexander
- Raw Food Controversies: How to Avoid Common Mistakes That May Sabotage Your Health by Frederic Patenaude
A long book chronicling the life of the author, and his love for and struggles with raw foodism. One of the key raw food books to read in the sense that it warns against excesses and some pitfalls in the raw food movement, as well as highlighting how some people with a cult-mentality can, and have been drawn into the raw food movement.
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- Jubb's Cell Rejuvenation: Colloidal Biology: A Symbiosis by David Jubb
- Spiritual Nutrition by Gabriel Cousens
- 'Fully Raw Diet' by Kristina Carrillo Bucaram
- How Not to Die - Discover the Foods Scientifically Proven to Prevent and Reverse Disease
- Raw Food - A Complete Guide to Every Meal of the Day
- African Holistic Health by Dr. Llaila Afrika
A good, partly raw food book full of extreme yet interesting information for people open to non-mainstream interpretations of history. Some claims are hard to believe but Dr. Afrika has a plenty of important wisdom for those who are open-minded enough to listen. Natural cures and ancient teachings.
- Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity by Queen Afua
An inspiring raw food book, especially good for beginning raw foodists. 'Heal Thyself' focuses on a high-raw diet (not 100%), live juice fasting, and other methods of detoxification to heal yourself. With a very spiritual focus, Queen Afua offers eating and fasting plans, inspiring words, and practical advice for everyday life. This is one of the most popular book summaries on this website.
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- The Joy of Living Live: A Raw Food Journey by Zakhah
A raw food community, who call themselves 'African Hebrew Israelites', has achieved a peaceful, healthful existence in sharp contrast to most human communities today. An uplifting read, a brilliantly inspiring raw food book with dietary advice, testimonials from the people in the community, and recipes. Advocates a high-raw lifestyle, living close to nature and also emphasizes the importance of exercise.
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- Eat for Health: Lose Weight, Keep It Off, Look Younger, Live Longer; Never Diet Again! by Dr. Joel Fuhrman
A highly recommended raw food book emphasizing a high-raw lifestyle (not 100% raw), as well as the importance of micronutrients, and how our calorie (macronutrient) needs can be reduced by eating plenty of micronutrients. The 'true hunger', Fuhrman explains, is not for calories but for micronutrients. A fascinating read.
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- Dr. Fuhrman: "Eat to Live: The Amazing Nutrient-Rich Program for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, Revised Edition":
- Raw Freedom: Combining the Best of Raw with Healthy Cooked Foods for the Ultimate Diet by Frederic Patenaude
- Deep Nutrition: Why Your Genes Need Traditional Food by Catherine Shanahan and Luke Shanahan
This natural health book is among other things about stem cell research and how 98% of so-called 'junk' DNA is actually adaptable according to the environment. This book puts forward an argument that evolution can be spontaneous, as genes respond to the food we eat. And as is clear from the title, the author advocates that our genes are programmed to eat traditional foods. Promotes eating of dairy and meat, as well as traditional cooking methods, but has plenty of useful information that can be interpreted to benefit raw foodists as well as others. The new field of epigenetics has discovered that the DNA is a blueprint that adapts to its environment and that such suboptimal health that was previosly thought genetic is often brought on by bad nutrition.
- The Vegetarian Myth by Lierre Keith
Personally I strongly believe that vegetarian diet can be very healthful, and that meat is not necessary. I include this book here, however, because 1) Vegetarianism may not suit everyone and 2) I think vegetarians and non-vegetarians should be fully informed of both sides of the discussion.
- 'The Revolutionary Trauma Release Process: Transcend Your Toughest Times' by David Berceli
These Trauma Release Exercises are one of the many recently discovered methods of 'body-mind' -work, which use physical exercises to release trauma, bad emotions and stress locked in our cells and muscles. From my experience these exercises do seem quite powerful. I have provided an exercise diary elsewhere on this site.
- Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient and Magnetic Connections by Dr. William H. Philpott & Dwight K. Kalifa
An important book demonstrating from a psychiatrist's point of view how mental illnesses are often caused by food and chemical sensitivities, as well as mineral and vitamin deficiencies. A must-read - there is so much hope in this book for healing humanity.
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- Trauma Releasing Exercises: TRE: A Revolutionary New Method of Trauma Recovery by David Berceli (2005)
The second, and better book by the inventor of this powerful series of easy exercises, which cause shakes and trembling in your body, releasing deep tensions present in your muscles and the surrounding tissue. There are testimonials on You Tube and elsewhere which state that the method is effective for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), as well as for childhood trauma, depression, suicidal thoughts, and general stresses of everyday. I have reported on my 30-day experiment on these exercises elsewhere on this site.
- 'Shake It Off Naturally: Reduce Stess, Anxiety and Tension with TRE' by David Berceli
- Waking the Tiger: Healing Trauma - The Innate Capacity to Transform Overwhelming Experiences by Peter A Levine
How trauma develops when the 'flight or fight' energy of intense situations is not released in a natural way. Recommends getting acquinted with the body's 'felt sense' to learn to interpret the feelings and instinctual tendencies of the body. Key concept in this book is also that we should concentrate on the feelings, instead of images that arise in the mind or the conscious mind's need for meaning. This will lead to resolution of trauma. A brilliant companion to the Trauma Release Exercises, although out of the two books I would recommend the TRE, since it provides more easily realised exercises for working through trauma without having to evoke memories. Highy recommended book also, however, to undestand how trauma is very physical.
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- The Body Remembers: The Psychophysiology of Trauma and Trauma Treatment by Babette Rothschild
Book about her work as a psychiatrist, where she learned to interpret the body's gestures and encourage trauma resolution through visualisations, acting out on body impulses and releasing trauma gradually, by guiding the patient to shift their focus between portions of the traumatic event and a safe, happy memory, place or a person. It is suggested that the events before and after the trauma can be equally traumatizing as the event itself and trauma resolution should always begin by addressing the events that happened after the traumatic event first.
- In An Unspoken Voice
- Healing Trauma
- Trauma-Proofing Your Kids
- Freedom from Pain
- The 80/10/10 Diet by Dr. Douglas Graham
Famous fruitarian raw foodist, Dr. Douglas Graham, outlines his theory for eating a low-fat, low-protein diet of healthy carbohydrates, mostly in the form of fruit. He also acknowledges the importance of greens. Eating more every day, and primarily fruit, is the best solution for health, sports performance and nutritional balance, according to Dr. Graham. In my view 80/10/10 diet is probably dangerous in the long term - and definitely difficult to do - but since plenty of people follow his advice, it is worth reading this classic raw food book.
- The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration: The Ultimate Healing System by Dr Robert Morse
This thorough natural health book discusses among other things the body's different organs and their needs, how to live and eat healthy, the power of herbs, eliminating disease, parasites, types of foods, pH factors, energy, toxins, different nutrient types, etc. It is more suitable as a companion than a cover-to-cover read, because of the detailed information it contains. There are 371 pages of tightly packed information in this large format book. Robert Morse's health approach centres around fruitarianism, cleaning the lymph fluid and staying alkaline. Detoxification and herbal remedies are the main proposed tools to achieve this.
- 'Alkalize or Die: Superior Health Through Proper Alkaline-Acid Balance' by Dr. Theodore Baroody
A brilliant book on the importance of eating 80% alkaline foods to maintain an optimal pH balance in the body. Mentions also that people living in colder climates may need more acidic foods since cold air is alkalizing and hot air acidifying.
- The Ultimate pH Solution by Michelle Schoffro Cook
- 'Secrets of an Alkaline Body: The New Science of Colloidal Biology' by Annie Padden Jubb and David Jubb
- Your Body's Many Cries for Water: You're Not Sick; You're Thirsty: Don't Treat Thirst with Medications by F. Batmanghelidj
- "Dancing with Water: The New Science of Water" by MJ Pangman and Melanie Evans:
- "The Water Puzzle and the Hexagonal Key" by Mu Shik Jhon and MJ Pangman:
- "Miracle Molecular Structure of Water: Human Body Loves Hexagonal Water" by Yang H Oh and Gil Ho Kim:
- "The Miracle of Water" by Masaru Emamoto:
- How to Keep Slim, Healthy and Young with Juice Fasting: The Age-old Way to New You! by Dr. Paavo Airola
A small book on juice fasting, recommended reading for anyone planning to detoxify by fasting. Puts an argument forward promoting juice fasting and warns against water fasting as too straining and nutrient-poor for the body.
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- The Transformational Power of Fasting: The Way to Spiritual, Physical and Emotional Rejuvenation by Stephen Harrod Buhner
- Brain Allergies: The Psychonutrient and Magnetic Connections by Dr. William H. Philpott & Dwight K. Kalifa
An important book demonstrating from a psychiatrist's point of view how mental illnesses are often caused by food and chemical sensitivities, as well as mineral and vitamin deficiencies. A must-read - there is so much hope in this book for healing humanity.
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- The Food Intolerance Bible: A Nutritionist's Plan to Beat Food Cravings, Fatigue, Mood Swings, Bloating, Headaches and IBS by Antony J Haynes and Antoinette Savill
A good book on food intolerance, perhaps directed more on the professionals in the field than a layman reader. Personally I found Dr. Coca's book the 'Pulse Test' more enlightening.
- Artur F Coca, MD: The Pulse Test
A very important book, an eye-opener, an old classic and available for free online book to download on the internet. Explains how to measure your own pulse to find out food intolerances you may not have known you had. Dr. Coca maintains that 90% of Western people suffer from food intolerances, knowingly or unknowingly. I discovered I was allergic to carrots and a chemical in some white breads by following this advice, with great implications for my health. I consider this a must-read natural health book for everyone. The revised 2015 version can be purchased on Amazon.
Free Book Summary Here (not latest revision)
- The Vitamin D Revolution: How the Power of This Amazing Vitamin Can Change Your Life) by Soram Khalsa
Why you need vitamin D and how to get it. One of the most popular book summaries on this website and a key natural health book to read. Promotes megavitamin therapy doses of Vitamin D supplementation, as well as sunshine. Warns against sunscreens.
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- The Magnesium Miracle by Carolyn Dean
- "Minerals for the Genetic Code: An Exposition and Analysis of the Dr. Olree Standard Genetic Periodic Chart and the Physical, Chemical and Biological Connection" by Charles Walters. This is a very strange book but nevertheless provides some very interesting information on different minerals and their deficiency symptoms.
- The Enlivened Rock Powders by Harvey Lisle
- "The Anatomy of Life and Energy in Agriculture" by Dr. Arden Andersen:
- "Sea Energy Agriculture: Nature's Ideal Trace Element Blend for Farm, Livestock, Humans" by Maynard Murray.
- "Fertility from the Ocean Deep: Nature's Perfect Nutrient Blend for the Farm" by Charles Walters:
- The DHEA Breakthrough: Look Younger, Live Longer, Feel Better by Stephen Cherniske
- Graves' Disease and Hyperthyroidism: What You Must Know Before They Zap Your Thyroid with Radioactive Iodine by Sarfraz Zaidi, M.D.
- Natural Treatment Solutions for Hyperthyroidism and Graves' Disease by Eric M Osansky:
- 'The Vitamin Cure for Women's Health Problems' by Helen Saul Case and Andrew W Saul discuss menstrual issues among other things:
- 'Sacred Woman: A Guide to Healing the Feminine Body, Mind, and Spirit' by Queen Afua:
- 'Endometriosis: A Key to Healing Through Nutrition' by Dian Shepperson Mills and Michael Vernon:
- 'Vitamins and Pregnancy: The Real Story: Your Orthomolecular Guide for Healthy Babies and Happy Moms' by Helen Saul Case:
- 'Overcoming an Angry Vagina: Journey to Womb Wellness' by Queen Afua:
- 'Heal Thyself for Health and Longevity' by Queen Afua:
- 'Ageless: The Naked Truth About Bioidentical Hormones' by Suzanne Somers
- Natural Highs: Supplements, Nutrition, and Mind-Body Techniques to Help You Feel Good All the Time by Hyla Cass, MD, and Patrick Holford
- Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge: A Radical History of Plants, Drugs and Human Evolution by Terence McKenna
- 'Chaga: King of Medicinal Mushrooms' by David Wolfe
A small book by David Wolfe explaining the amazing health benefits of chaga mushroom. This book also outlines David Wolfe's recommended diet for cancer.
- Encyclopedia of Aphrodisiacs
- Superfoods: The Food and Medicine of the Future by David Wolfe
- Shapeshifting: Techniques for Global and Personal Transformation by John Perkins
- Psychonavigation: Techniques for Travel Beyond Time by John Perkins
- The Miracle Morning: The 6 Habits That Will Transform Your Life Before 8am by Hal Elrod
- 'Stop Thinking and Start Living: Discover Lifelong Happiness' by Richard Carlson
- The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying by Marie Kondo
Powerful little book. So convincing that I ended up throwing away and donating to charity 18 black binbags of stuff from my small 1-bed flat! I thought I lived minimalist already but I was wrong!
- The Power of Habit: Change Your Habits, Change Your Life by Benjamin Chapin
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- Miraculous Abundance: One Quarter Acre, Two French Farmers, and Enough Food to Feed the World by Perrine and Charles Herve-Gruyer
- Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? by Clinton Ober
This is the book by the inventor of grounding. A powerful but simple method that allows you to connect to the negative ion (energy) store of the earth. I have found that grounding works for pain an also enhances your dreams. A separate report on my experiences is provided elsewhere on this site. This book is available for free listen as an audio book online at www.groundology.com.
- The Easy Way to Stop Smoking by Allen Carr
A truly revolutionary book for stopping smoking. I found it easy to quit smoking after reading this, even though it was one of the most stressful times in my life. This was after probably hundreds of failed attempts over the years (which included reading other 'stopping smoking' books). I heard of many people for whom this book worked also, but you have to work with the book to quit smoking, it won't work unless you read it carefully and put a some effort in. But it definitely makes it very easy to quit and it has an approach focusing on the positive, not on doom-scenarios, which makes it an interesting read.
- "Vitamin Cure for Alcoholism" by Andrew W. Saul:
- "Recovery 2.0: Beyond Addiction" by Tommy Rosen:
- Caffeine Blues: Wake Up to the Hidden Dangers of America's #1 Drug by Stephen Cherniske
This book was a real eye-opener for me and I have since then personally felt the benefits of being caffeine free, which are much greater than I thought.
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- 'Truth About Caffeine' by Maria Kushner:
- The Pleasure Trap: Mastering the Hidden Force that Undermines Health and Happiness by Douglas J. Lisle and Alam Goldhamer
- "Calcification: The Phosphate Factor in Aging and Disease" by Mark Mayer:
- "Track Your Plaque: The only heart disease prevention program that shows how to use the new heart scans to detect, track and control coronary plaque" by William Davis, MD:
- "The Calcium Bomb: The Nanobacteria Link to Heart Disease & Cancer" by Douglas Mulhall and Katja Hansen:
- 'Death by Calcium' by Thomas E. Levy, MD:
- "Calcium Lie 2: What Your Doctor Still Doesn't Know: How Mineral Imbalances Are Damaging Your Health" by Robert Thompson, MD, and Kathleen Barnes:
- Successful Self-Dentistry: How to Avoid the Dentist without Ignoring Your Teeth by Nadine Artemis
A brilliant natural health book on why toothpaste is bad for your teeth, how it is crucial to keep the saliva alkaline, how to naturally whiten your teeth, regrow enamel and enjoy a healthy, fresh and beautiful mouth. Emphasis is put on the importance of minerals in the diet as well as external toothcare and essential oils.
- Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide to Healthy Teeth and Gums by Nadine Artemis and Victor Zeines
- "Cure Gum Disease Naturally: Heal and Prevent Periodontal Disease and Gingivitis with Whole Foods" by Ramiel Nagel:
- Trick and Treat: How 'Healthy Eating' is Making Us Ill by Barry Groves
- Doctor Yourself: Natural Healing That Works by Andrew W. Saul, pHD. This book promotes orthomolecular approach to health, advocating vitamins in large quantities (megavitamin therapy):
- African Holistic Health by Dr. Llaila Afrika
A good, partly raw food book full of extreme yet interesting information for people open to non-mainstream interpretations of history. Some claims are hard to believe but Dr. Afrika has a plenty of important wisdom for those who are open-minded enough to listen. Natural cures and ancient teachings.
- The Gerson Therapy - Revised And Updated: The Proven Nutritional Program for Cancer and Other Illnesses by Charlotte Gerson
- Food Is Better Medicine Than Drugs: Don't go to your doctor before reading this book by Patrick Holford and Jerome Burne.
- 'The Hood Health Handbook: A Practical Guide to Health and Wellness in the Urban Community' by Supa Nova Slom
- The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration: The Ultimate Healing System by Dr Robert Morse
This thorough natural health book discusses among other things the body's different organs and their needs, how to live and eat healthy, the power of herbs, eliminating disease, parasites, types of foods, pH factors, energy, toxins, different nutrient types, etc. It is more suitable as a companion than a cover-to-cover read, because of the detailed information it contains. There are 371 pages of tightly packed information in this large format book. Robert Morse's health approach centres around fruitarianism, cleaning the lymph fluid and staying alkaline. Detoxification and herbal remedies are the main proposed tools to achieve this.
- Timeless Secrets of Health & Rejuvenation: Breakthrough Medicine for the 21st Century by Andreas Moritz
- Natural Cures 'They' Don't Want You to Know About by Kevin Trudeau
Note: This book is very contoversial as Kevin Trudeau has been involved in many legally problematic practices in the recent years! However, there is plenty of good information in this book about the corruption in the medical and pharmaceutical industries, as well as on natural cures and detoxification methods. It is not very well written, however, as it's basically a long rant where the author vents his anger. It relies a lot on repeating the same points over and over again to an extent that it actually becomes difficult to read from cover to cover. Also, for much of the information the writer refers you to his website, which has a high monthly subscription fee. Regardless of this, the book does hold quite a bit of good information. (This note refers to the 2006 edition of this book.)
- Food IS Medicine: The Scientific Evidence by Brian Clement, PhD
Three volumes of research findings on the power of raw living foods to heal, by Brian Clement - the Director of the Hippocrates Health Insititute and a life-long raw food advocate.
- Ani's Raw Food Kitchen: Easy, Delectable Living Foods Recipes by Ani Phyo
My favourite book for raw food recipes so far. These include cakes, cold soups, breakfast cereal, flavoured almond milks, different types of pizza and dehydrated foods, nice salads and dressings, etc. Good basic raw food recipes, which are not too expensive or complicated. A highly recommended natural health book for everyone's kitchen, suitable for beginners.
- I Am Grateful: Recipes and Lifestyle of Cafe Gratitude by Terces Engelhart with Orchid
More complicated to make but tasty and exciting raw food recipes from the 'cooks' at the Cafe Gratitude, California. A highly recommended natural health book if you are into gourmet recipes and dehydrated foods.
- Ani's Raw Food Essentials: Recipes and Techniques for Mastering the Art of Live Food by Ani Phyo
Another brilliant book of easy raw food recipes from Ani Phyo, full of essential recipes which are easy and cheap to make. My favourite recipe is apple pancakes with raspberry jam and cashew-cream (although you will need a dehydrator). The cold avocado soups are also nice. An essential book for any raw food kitchen!
- 'Ani's Raw Food Detox - The Easy, Satisfying Plan to Get Lighter, Tighter, and Sexier... in 15 Days or Less' by Ani Phyo:
- Wild Fermentation: The Flavor, Nutrition, and Craft of the Live-Culture Foods by Sandor Ellix Katz
Provides many cultured food recipes from sprouted bread and pancakes, raw pickles, kefir, wine and beer to various pickled salads, dairy ferments, bean ferments, vinegars, etc. Mostly a recipe book but general writing on the idea of fermenting with wild organisms, naturally occurring in the air, is included. Note: This book does NOT talk about fermenting with probiotics, which is the more usual way to do it.
- The World Is as You Dream It: Shamanic Teachings from the Amazon and Andes by John Perkins
Beautiful descriptions about the life of the people in the Amazon rainforest, discussing shamanic healing, psycho-navigation, and ayahuasca. I personally loved this book and it will be one of the rare books I will read again because of the feel-good factor.
Free Book Summary Here
- The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision by James Redfield
A novel from the author of 'Celestine Prophecy', 'Tenth Insight', and 'Secrets of Shambhala'. A light read with plenty of lessons for the spiritually inclined.
Free Book Summary Here
- 'The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the 11th Insight' by James Redfield
- Spirit of the Shuar: Wisdom from the Last Unconquered People of the Amazon by John Perkins
- The Coming Energy Revolution: The Search for Free Energy by Jeane Manning - Not at all a natural health book but definitely revolutionary!
- 'Breakthrough Power: How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World' by Jeane Manning
- Our Future Reborn - EM Technology Changes The World by Prof. Teruo Higa
Japanese Professor Teruo Higa discovered effective micro-organisms, which are potent probiotics (bacteria) capable of enhancing our health and, among other things, of eating radioactive waste and rendering it harmless. See also the book below.
- 'An Earth-Saving Revolution: EM-Amazing Applications to Agricultural, Environmental, and Medical Problems' by Prof. Teruo Higa
See the description on EM's (effective micro-organisms - a.k.a. super-probiotics) meaning under Teruo Higa's other book above.
- Men Are from Mars, Women are from Venus by John Gray:
- Adrenal Fatigue: The 21st Centry Stress Syndrome by James L. Wilson:
- Flood Your Body with Oxygen: Therapy for Our Polluted World by Ed McCabe
Dr. Lawrence Wilson: Nutritional Balancing and Hair Mineral Analysis - A New Science of Energy (2010). This book is 700 pages long but a very useful reference if you are doing the hair mineral analysis and following the Nutritional Balancing Program. It is not something to read cover-to-cover, though, unless you are planning to train as a hair mineral analysis nutritionist.
- Molecules of Emotion: Why You Feel the Way You Feel by Candace B. Pert
A life story of a scientist who struggled to get recognised in the profession and who discovered the opiate receptor, the cellular binding site for endorphins in the brain. The book would probably be a more interesting read for a scientist, whereas I was expecting a book about emotions and the brain, with some practical health advice. Highlights the corruption in the field of scientific research convincingly, though.
- The Body Electric by Robert O. Becker
- Spontaneous Evolution, Our Positive Future (and a way to get there from here) by Bruce Lipton and Steve Bhaerman
A thick volume of collections of radical ideas by the writers. Bruce Lipton, the author of 'Biology of Belief', whose research showed that our cells and DNA are controlled by our thoughts and the environment, expands his theory here with Steve Bhaerman to include a new theory of history and to conclude that evolution happens spontaneously, and not in slow progress as Darwin thought. One important idea the book convinced me of was that collaboration, not competition, is a recipe for success and growth, as that is how the nature succeeds and evolves.
- "Cellular Awakening: How Your Body Holds and Creates Light" by Barbara Wren:
Free Book Summary Here.
Download books by Nutritional Medicine Pioneers for free here.
The Moneyless Manifesto: Live Well, Live Rich, Live Free by Mark Boyle
About how he spent two years of his life living without money. The paper copy is normal price but this is also available as a free online book.
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