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Natural Health Remedies, organized by the complaint. Please note that if you choose to help your body heal by using any of these remedies, it is important that you still have to seek help with a qualified health advisor, such as a doctor, as well, because everyone's body is unique. It is good to take responsibility for your own health but make sure that you are informed by many different sources, before taking action.
Lactose Intolerance
Leaky Gut Syndrome
Liver Weakness
Low Blood Sugar
Lung Cancer
Lyme's Disease
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All that kidney stones are, says Charles Walters, are the kidneys super-saturated with calcium without enough magnesium in the body to keep the magnesium in solution to utilize it. (10)
Read: "What Really Causes Kidney Stones..." (external link)
Note that the claim that vitamin C causes kidney stones has been strongly refuted by Dr. Andrew W Saul, who is an orthomolecular medicine practitioner.
Read also: Calcium Toxicity and David Wolfe on calcification.
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Read: "Home Remedies for Knee Pain"
Lactose intolerance is the inability to digest 'lactose', which is a sugar present in milk. Lactose intolerant people can consume lactose-free dairy products. Aging dairy reduces lactose so some people can consume aged cheeses without problems.
Lactose intolerance causes various symptoms some time after a person consumes lactose (dairy). In the long term, it can also cause anemia, and therefore tiredness, among other things. It can also be linked to irritable bowel syndrome and other food intolerances, such as histamine intolerance and/or fructose intolerance.
A breath test has been developed which can determine whether you are lactose intolerant or not. Please read under Irritable Bowel Syndrome to find out more about this test.
This website provides some indication whether you have lactose intolerance or not, through their questionnaire: Intolerance Test by Eat-All.com.
This company sells lactose-digesting enzymes which can be taken before eating lactose-containing foods to eliminate or reduce the symptoms of lactose intolerance: LactoSolv by ScioTech, Austria.
Read also the entry on food intolerance and irritable bowel syndrome.
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Also called intestinal permeability, this is a problem that started off as 'intestinal dysbiosis' and it can lead to autoimmune conditions if it goes untreated. The theory goes that in leaky gut syndrome the intestinal lining has become permeable and is able to let undigested food particles, bacterial toxins and germs into the bloodstream, which triggers the immune system and causes persistent inflammation in the body.
Please read the entry on intestinal dysbiosis in this article as well as the entry on inflammation.
See also: Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS).
Please note that the existence and nature of this condition is controversial and mainstream medical websites complain of a lack of research evidence to explain this condition.
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"Leukemia is one of the easiest cancers to cure. Once you flood the blood stream with THC and other cannabinoids, terpenes and flavonoids, the cancer won't be there very long. Stay away from chemo and pills and the damage they will cause. That is the biggest problem for the oil."
- Stated on Rick Simpson's Facebook site, in a post advertising Phoenixtears.ca and the cannabis oil Rick Simpson produces
See also the entry for cancer.
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According to Chinese Medicine, Exercise is very important for strengthening the liver. Weak liver can cause anger and frustration, but anger and frustration can also weaken the liver.
Avoid alcohol and other substances which weaken the liver, such as coffee.
Plenty of fresh lemon juice mixed with water daily helps to cleanse and strengthen the liver. Also drink plenty of water generally, not just one day but longer-term, regularly, as this is crucial for the liver to be able to do its job and cleanse itself.
Note that sugar and anything else that is dehydrating weakens the liver, and longer-term may cause you to become angry and frustrated.
Research: Liver parasites, parasite cleanse, liver stone cleanse, liver-strengthening herbs, good hydration, avoidance of liver toxins.
General detoxification protocols, such as enemas, and especially coffee enemas, if done correctly, will most likely be beneficial.
Please get checked by your doctor to rule out any conditions that need emergency medical intervention. Also, to get a diagnosis to see if you need to address specific infections, etc., while strengthening the liver generally.
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See: hypoglycaemia
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Read: "Vitamin E Prevents Lungs Cancer" (external link)
See also: cancer
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The documentary: "Food Matters" reports that Dr. Dan Roger's has seen lupus symptoms disappear. Elsewhere he states that 'holistic comprehensive immunotherapy' is able to reverse chronic degenerative diseases, including lupus. I am not sure what this consists of specifically, but in the documentary and elsewhere Dr. Dan Rogers recommends the Gerson Therapy (Gerson Institute), which is a nutrition-based detoxification and healing method.
In his book: "Eat for Health" Dr. Fuhrman includes testimonials from patients who experienced 'spontaneous recovery' from different diseases, including lupus. (See link for book summary.)
Also, the documentary 'Superjuice Me', which can be seen on Foodmatters TV online, reports that someone's lupus was improved by juice fasting. It's a very inspiring documentary in general and worth watching.
Please note also that a mycoplasma infection may be a causative factor in lupus.
According to Jeffrey McCombs, lupus and other autoimmune diseases can be caused by systemic candida overgrowth.
See also: autoimmune disorders.
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Dr. Mercola reports on his website (6) that Dr. Robert Rowan's work on ozone therapies seems very promising on lyme's disease. Dr. Rowan mentioned that ozonated water could be taken rectally as a way of doing ozone therapy at home, but the methods that he uses at his clinic are more powerful.
David Wolfe mentions in his book Longevity Now, that Cat's Claw herb has been used in treatment of Lyme's Disease and other bacterial and viral infections.
Read: Dr. Klinghardt's Treatment of Lyme Disease on Dr. Mercola's website.
"Chronicles of Borrelia: Lyme in Chronic Illness"
( Lymeinchronicillness.com ). This website has thorough information on Lyme: its symptoms, associated conditions and proposed treatments. The website also chronicles the story of the writer and her family's struggle with Lyme Disease.
Also on the above website: "The Miraculous Benefits of B3 Niacinamide", which explains about how vitamin B3 in large doses is beneficial for fighting lyme's disease. Please study 'megavitamin therapy' and 'orthomolecular medicine' for further information on dosages etc.
Note that mycoplasma fermentans may be a co-infection of lyme's disease.
See also: infections, bacterial infections.
Natural Health Remedies A-Z - full list of conditions
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Edition 3.0: Cheap Revolutionary Health Ebook: 68 Natural Tricks and Methods - The Amazing Power of Small Everyday Tasks
AIDS Abdominal Bloating Abdominal Fat Acid Reflux Acne Addiction Addiction to Cigarettes ADHD Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Insufficiency Aggression Aging Alcoholism Allergies Alzheimer's Disease Anemia Anger Angina Anorexia Anxiety Arteriosclerosis Arthritis Asthma Aspergillus Mold Infection Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Autism Autoimmune Disorders
Bacterial Infections Bad Breath Back Pain Brain Fog Bee Sting Behavioral Difficulties Belly Fat Bipolar Disorder Bloated Belly Blood Clotting Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar Imbalance Bone Density Loss Brain Tumor Breast Cancer Burnout
Caffeinism Calcifications Cancer Candida Yeast Infection Carbohydrate Sensitivity Cardiovascular Disease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cataracts Cell-Wall Deficient Bacteria Cholesterol, Too High Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cigarette Addiction Cold Sore Colds, Common Colon Cancer Confidence Problems Constipation Copper Toxicity Cough Cravings for Alcohol Cravings for Food Cravings for Sugar Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Degenerative Joint Disease Dehydration Dementia Depression Dermatitis Diabetes Diarrhea Digestive Problems Dysbiosis Ear Infection Ebola Eczema Edema Emotional Control Problems Endocrine Problems Endometriosis Epilepsy Estrogen Dominance Estrogen Deficiency Eyesight, Poor
Health and Lifestyle Remedies - F-G
Fatigue Fear Fibrocystic Breast Disease Fibroids Fibromyalgia Flatulence Food Allergies Food Intolerance Gas General Health Problems Gum Disease Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)
Hangover Headaches Heartburn Heart Disease Heart Palpitations Hepatitis Herpes Virus Heavy Metal Toxicity Hiccups Histamine Intolerance HIV Hormonal Problems, Women Hormone Imbalance Hot Flashes Hyperthyroidism Hypoglycaemia Hypothyroidism
Immune System, Weak Infections Infertility Inflammation Inflammatory Bowel Disease Influenza (Flu) Intracellular Bacteria Infections Insomnia Intestinal Dysbiosis Insulin Resistance Intestinal Permeability Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Jitters
Kidney Stones Knee Pain Leaky Gut Syndrome Leukemia Liver Weakness Low Blood Sugar Lung Cancer Lupus Lyme's Disease
Full List of Natural Health Remedies
Ulla is the Editor of Cheap Health Revolution, covering natural remedies and health solutions. Read more about Ulla and this website here: "About CHR"