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Natural health remedies, organized by the complaint. Please note that if you choose to help your body heal by using any of these remedies, it is important that you still have to seek help with a qualified health advisor, such as a doctor, as well, because everyone's body is unique. It is good to take responsibility for your own health but make sure that you are informed by many different sources, before taking action.
Immune System, Weak
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Intracellular Bacteria
Intestinal Dysbiosis
Insulin Resistance
Intestinal Permeability
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
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Ozone therapy has the ability to stimulate the immune system, and modulate it, either up or down depending on what your system requires, Dr. Mercola states on his website (6), discussing Dr. Robert Rowen's work. Of course this is not a home remedy since it has to be done by a doctor, but it is a cheap, holistic health remedy nevertheless. You can make ozonated water at home if you buy an ozonator, which costs about $350 at Sota Instruments.
Note that often parasitic infections, whether systemic (stealth) or acute, can wear down your immune system by toxifying your body from the inside. These are very common problems, much more common than most people think. See natural health remedy for parasites, candida, viral infections, bacterial infections, mycoplasmas.
Vitamin C therapy and oxygen therapies can strengthen the immune system considerably, as can antioxidants, good gut flora and intestinal health, and staying away from sugar, alcohol and processed carbohydrates. Green juices can strengthen the body considerably also, and the Bob Beck Protocol (including blood electrification) is the best immune boosting method I know of yet.
See also, natural health remedy entries for potential related problems: infections, intestinal dysbiosis, allergies, food intolerance, alcoholism, sugar cravings, carbohydrate sensitivity, anxiety, mental health problems, depression, autoimmune disorders, leaky gut syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome.
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There are acute infections, which are easier to diagnose, and then there are stealth infections, which are harder to find, progress slowly but can wear the body down considerably, even eventually resulting in serious diseases.
"Oxygen is one of the most important things your body needs for tissue healing when you're riddled with infection." - Dr. Mercola writes (6), discussing the following oxidative therapies: ozone, ultraviolet blood irradiation, hydrogen peroxide and high dose of vitamin C.
"In infectious diseases caused by viruses (such as flu, herpes, and AIDS) or caused by bacteria (such as lung, inner ear and bladder infections) lysine can stop or slow down an aggressive spread of infection. A combination of high doses of vitamin C and other dietary supplements can bring additional benefits..." - Dr. Matthias Rath, Cancer (book, free pdf download)
Note that there is some research indicating that many non-communicable chronic illnesses may be caused by infectious agents, such as mycoplasmas, unlike previously thought:
"Evidence now confirms that noncommunicable chronic diseases can stem from infectious agents."
- Centers for Disease Control, USA government
Ed McCabe, in his book: 'Flood Your Body with Oxygen' states that ozone is safe to use (when used properly), though it causes cleaning reactions in toxic people. He states that it eliminates all bacteria, viruses, and other lower life forms:
"It has been proven extensively that O3 (ozone) will kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and molds by attaching to them and oxidizing and eliminating them, oxidizing means to burn without giving off light or heat. These bacteria and other microbes are lower life form organisms and are mostly anaerobic. That means they can't live around activated oxygen/ozone. [...] Far from being a poison, ozone, when used properly, has been shown repeatedly to kill pathogens - yet remain harmless to normal cells. This is because disease causing pathogens do not have any strong enzyme coatings to protect them - as do all the higher life forms like us [...]"
- p. 191, Flood Your Body with Oxygen, Ed McCabe
McCabe recommends air ozonation and drinking ozonated water. He doesn't believe in the research that states that [good quality] ozone damages or scars lungs. Personally, I will experiment with drinking ozonated water but not with ozonating air. I will report back on my findings.
Read, as relevant, natural health remedy entries for viral infections, bacterial infections, mold infections, aspergillus/ aspergillosis, candida (yeast infection), mycoplasma fermentans infection.
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Book: 'The Vitamin Cure for Women's Health Problems' by Helen Saul Case discusses infertility:
Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, sexually transmitted diseases, and fallopian tube dialation can cause infertility, among other things. Your doctor will be able to check whether you have any of these.
See also: Natural health remedy entries for: hormonal problems, women.
Inflammation etymologically means 'inflamed' or 'being on fire'. Free radicals, such a are found in cooked vegetable oils, are said to 'fry' the body from the inside and cause inflammation. With any inflammation condition it is important to drink a lot of water, take in a lot of antioxidants (also in the forms of negative ions and grounding), avoid dehydration and to eliminate the causes of inflammation.
Typical signs that you may have inflammation in your body include: redness, swelling, puffiness, edema, water retention, mucus, phlegm, pain. Any one of these on their own can (though does not always) indicate inflammation.
A good summary article on inflammation is published by the Linus Pauling Institute of Oregon State University here: Inflammation. They state that "a number of chronic diseases have inflammatory components, such as atherosclerosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, cancer, and perhaps even Alzheimer's disease." Follow the link to find out how to test for inflammation markers in blood (e.g. C-reactive protein (CRP), high erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR), a high white blood cell count, and a low albumin level).
Linus Pauling Institute, Oregon State University, at the above link state the following about which foods, lifestyle factors and nutrients are inflammatory/ anti-inflammatory:
Dr. Brian Clement and Dr. Robert Morse both consider inflammation to be primarily a problem of an acidic body. An alkaline diet of raw foods and possibly juice fasting are recommended, in addition to omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, grounding, negative ions and good levels of hydration.
Taking a high-quality natural multi-mineral supplement, where the minerals are in right proportions, may also be helpful in fighting inflammation. I am currently experimenting with ionic trace minerals (by Trace Minerals Research), as extracted from sea water, and seem to be feeling stronger just after one day of fairly high-dosage supplementation. Check for updates on this under: mineral deficiencies and my health journey.
Dr. Mercola, paleolithic diet proponents and others state that an anti-inflammatory diet can include meat but not starches, grains, processed foods or sugar.
I have found the avoidance of dairy, starchy foods, alcohol and foods I am intolerant of (especially tomatoes), as well as the limitation of sugar to be a very good way to reduce inflammation and the associated water retention, puffiness, abdominal bloating, double-chin, fatigue, sinusitis and red eyes (as well as other eye problems: pressure behind eyes, eyesight problems, dull eyes).
Read: Is Starch Worse for Your Health Than Sugar?
Antioxidants can be very helpful in fighting inflammation. In my case drinking plenty of chaga mushroom tea and eating plenty of fruit, as well as drinking green juices have shown much promise in fighting inflammation.
Strengthening the immune system in general is also helpful to reduce and/or eliminate inflammation. Read more at: Natural remedies for weak immune system.
Note that sometimes inflammation is linked to autoimmune disorders.
Note that specific allergies and underlying conditions can increase inflammation. Food intolerances to histamine, lactose, fructose, or any food can be behind triggering your immune system. Chemical intolerances may play a part also. Some raw food researchers claim that more than 50% cooked food in a meal will trigger the immune system (white blood cells), suggesting that high amounts of cooked foods may be inflammatory.
Parasites, fungus (e.g. aspergillus, molds), bacteria, viruses, yeasts (e.g. candida) living in the body can excrete toxins which can be extremely inflammatory.
Stress, pollution, toxins and junk foods can increase inflammation, and anything that harms your body can increase it also, because your immune system initiates inflammation at the site of injury, whether small scale (cellular level) or large scale (organ level).
An article on the Weston A. Price Foundation website states that many people with inflammation and pain -related conditions feel better when eliminating the nightshade-family of plants (potatoes, aubergines, tobacco, chillies, paprika, peppers, goji berries, etc.).
Grounding, negative ions, mineral-rich foods, live spring water, being outdoors in clean nature, happy and relaxed states of mind, etc. can reduce inflammation also.
Health conditions ending in -itis are inflammation conditions, e.g. arthritis, sinusitis, hepatitis, dermatitis, ulcerative colitis, bronchitis, gastritis, neuritis, and many others.
Article: How Inflammation Influences Behavior.
Oxygen therapies may also fight inflammation.
Read also: Natural health remedy entries for linked problems, as relevant: infections, weak immune system, nervous system disorders, water retention & puffiness, pain, bloated abdomen.
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This is a chronic inflammatory condition, more specifically called either: Ulcerative Colitis or Crohn's Disease. Please see the natural health remedy entries for inflammation, autoimmune disease and intestinal dysbiosis. Please also study the leaky gut syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease.
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"Vitamins Reduce the Duration and Severity of Influenza" (external link).
Dr. Oliver, a physician in India was treating viral influenza by administering intravenous hydrogen peroxide and he cut the death rate by 50%, Dr. Mercola reports (6). Of course this is not a home remedy since it has to be done by a doctor, but it is a cheap, holistic health remedy nevertheless.
See also: natural health remedy entry for viral infections.
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Intracellular bacteria means bacteria that live inside human cells, for example inside white blood cells. These are often bacteria which have evolved to be without a cell-membrane, possibly in response to antibiotics. These are sometimes also called cell-wall-deficient bacteria or nanobacteria, and mycoplasma fermentas is one type of intracellular bacteria infection.
You may also be interested in reading more general information in: parasites, bacterial infections, infections, weak immune system and inflammation.
A thorough pack of information on insomnia, what may lie behind it, and remedies that have worked for me, for people that I know or have spoken with, and some new emerging research which I found very inspiring and logical: Natural Remedies for Insomnia.
The word 'dysbiosis means' comes from Greek: dys = bad, biosis = lifeform. Intestinal dysbiosis means that there is too much bad bacteria, yeasts or other pathogenic organisms (bad lifeforms) in the gut. Another word used for this imbalance is 'dysregulation of the gut flora'.
This is a condition of abnormal bacterial overgrowth in the intestines. Something has upset the balance of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract, and as a result, harmful bacteria, yeasts and other parasites have been able to overgrow. Causes underlying intestinal dysbiosis may be: antiobiotic or other medicine use, use of hormones, high-sugar and high-carbohydrate diet, alcohol abuse, and stress.
The natural remedies for healing intestinal dysbiosis involve: reintroducing healthy bacteria to the colon (good quality probiotics); doing parasite cleanses to clear off the bad bacteria, yeasts and fungi; introducing unpasteurized fermented foods into the diet; eliminating foods with antibiotic residues; working with a doctor to reduce and hopefully eliminate antibiotic, birth control pill and pain killer use, as well as other medicines able to disrupt intestinal balance; eliminating sugar, processed carbohydrates and sugar from the diet because they feed the bacteria; considering that iron supplements may feed the bacteria; meeting with a naturopath who is able to test for specific parasites; testing for candida and doing a candida cleanse if needed; etc.
Fructo-oligosaccharides (FOS) have been sometimes mentioned as a 'superfood' for the good bacteria, and this could help when combined with an increased intake of probiotics. Others state that insoluble fiber (such as is found in fruits) helps the good bacteria grow and heal the gut.
See also the natural health remedy entries for parasites.
Gut dysbiosis can lead to changes in the lining of the bowel that increase the permeability of the intestine, resulting in leaky gut syndrome.
From Wikipedia: "One aspect of a healthy diet that is often lacking in the Western-pattern diet is fiber and other complex carbohydrates that a healthy gut flora require to flourish; changes to gut flora in response to a Western-pattern diet appear to increase the amount of energy generated by the gut flora which may contribute to obesity and metabolic syndrome. There is also evidence that microbiota influence eating behaviors based on the preferences of the microbiota, which can lead to the host consuming more food eventually resulting in obesity."
Ozonated water and silver colloids are efficient at killing bacteria, fungi, viruses, and other pathogenic organisms inside and outside of your body. However, many people worry - for good reason - about whether they kill the good bacteria in the gut also, causing intestinal dysbiosis.
There are testimonials online written by people who took ozonated water and/or silver colloids internally, sometimes in fairly large quantities, and sometimes for a long time, without noticing any adverse effects on digestion or otherwise.
Some people say (e.g. here) that the friendly bacteria are not killed by oxygen or ozone like the bad bacteria are, because the first are aerobic (breathe oxygen) whereas the other ones are anaerobic (don't breathe oxygen). Others say that even if you kill some good bacteria with ozone in the intestine they will rebound. Personally I find these reports intriguing but not convincing. More research is needed and I will update here in due course.
From Wikipedia: "Over 99% of the bacteria in the gut are anaerobes, but in the cecum [beginning of small intestine], aerobic bacteria reach high densities."
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Insulin resistance is closely linked to sugar addiction, and this article provides a lot of useful information. Insulin resistance is a problem which can develop into prediabetes, type 2 diabetesand/or Alzheimer's disease if left untreated. The same natural health remedies should thus work for insulin resistance as do for diabetes.
GreenMedInfo: Reverse Insulin Resistance With These 8 Foods, written by Margie King. This states the following:
Read also: natural health remedy entry for carbohydrate sensitivity.
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See: natural health remedy for Leaky Gut Syndrome.
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"If you have a digestive disorder, blending and juicing vegetables can be a great aid because you can increase your consumption of healing nutrients, even though your digestive capacity might be sub-par. Since eating a low-phytochemical, low-fiber diet goes against nature's design and causes most digestive disorders, eating a high-nutrient, vegetable-based diet often resolves digestive problems quickly. People suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, hemorrhoids, and reflux disease often see improvements after just a few weeks of juicing and eating blended salads. However, sometimes diets have to be modified for individual uniqueness or medical problems [...] that require fresh fruits and raw vegetables to be gradually introduced into the diet."
- p. 155, Dr. Joel Fuhrman, Eat for Health
There are reports online which confirm that some people did heal the IBS quickly on a raw food diet (after trying lots of other approaches which didn't work).
The gut has recently been nicknamed 'the second brain' as there are many neurotransmitter receptors (e.g. for serotonin) in the gut. Therefore problems with the small and large intestines are often linked with anxiety, moodiness, or other imbalances of the mind. Read the entry on GAPS (gut and psychology syndrome) and study also the associated nutritional protocol. Note, however, that specific intolerances often also play a role in IBS, which the GAPS diet does not take into account...
Histamine intolerance is quite often linked with irritable bowel syndrome. Luckily there is a supplement that can help break down histamine-rich foods and reduce or eliminate the symptoms of histamine intolerance, namely DAO (diamine oxidase) enzyme supplement. Ensure that the supplement you buy lists 'diamine oxidase' among its ingredients since some products use the name DAO on the bottle without including the enzyme.
Hipporates said: "All disease begins in the gut". It is therefore worth taking care of it!
"Small-Intestine Bacterial Overgrowth: Often-Ignored Cause of Irritable Bowel Syndrome" (SIBO). Note that H2 breath test can be taken to diagnose whether you have SIBO or not. According to Dr. Doni almost 50% of people with IBS have SIBO.
"Heartburn, gas, bloating, constipation and general indigestion are often the first signs of problems related to mineral deficiencies and imbalances, poor protein digestion, sodium deficiency and calcium excess in over 90 percent of patients." - Robert Thompson, MD, and Kathleen Barnes in (book): "The Calcium Lie II: What Your Doctor STILL Doesn't Know". They advice that these interlinked problems can be gradually resolved with ionic mineral supplementation, ideally informed by HTMA mineral analysis performed by Trace Elements Inc (lab), and by secondary means of good diet and individually-tailored supplementation of wholefood based vitamins. 90% of people also need to eat more sea salt (Celtic), to counter sodium deficiency, they advice. Read also: Benefits of rock salt. (Note: Normal table salt is chemical poison.)
Additonal natural health remedies for IBS include:
Excellent article here discusses IBS (including mention on the H2 breath test for lactulose): "Top 5 Causes of IBS and How They Relate to Leaky Gut" by Dr. Doni
Dr. Doni lists in the above article the 10 most common causes of IBS, as follows: lactose intolerance (use H2 breath test to see if you have this), fructose malabsorption (30% of Americans, C4 breath test may be used though some say it's unreliable), dysbiosis (a naturopath can order a stool test), yeast overgrowth (candida - can be diagnosed with stool tests, urine tests, blood antibody tests), SIBO (small-intestinal bacterial overgrowth - as discussed above), too slow digestion, food sensitivities (test for IgG and IgA antibodies), histamine intolerance (blood test for histamine and tryptase levels), maldigestion (not enough stomach acid or enzymes), stress (book: The Stress Remedy by Dr. Doni).
Research paper on "Breath Tests and Irritable Bowel Syndrome" as published in the 'World Journal of Gastroenterology' in June 2014 (Rana & Malik).
Note that you don't have to do all the things listed here to overcome IBS. Try one thing at a time and see what works for you. Different people find relief from different approaches.
Dr. Mercola explains that irritable bowel syndrome is a type of autoimmune disease, so please also read the entry here for autoimmune disease.
Robert Piper reports here that he healed his anxiety and stomach problems (often linked problems) through meditation and martial arts, with the help of a Taoist monk.
Note that painful menstruation in women, especially when combined with bloatedness, gas and diarrhea, can be caused by irritable bowel syndrome. According to my doctor even endometriosis and cysts may have IBS underlying.
Read also: natural health remedy entries for: dysbiosis, leaky gut syndrome, histamine intolerance.
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"L-Dopa can heal you of long-standing abuses of stimulants. Whenever we have been using stimulants, [they] start to sap out dopamine and make us jittery. They can actually damage our nervous system and our neurotransmitter production in our brain." - David Wolfe in a LongevityNowVids's You Tube video entitled: "David Wolfe on Mucuna Pruriens". He continues to explain that mucuna pruriens (kapikachhu) is a plant which can help increase dopamine levels in the brain, undo the stimulant-caused damage and also support the kidney-adrenal meridian, whose weakness is a linked problem. All this seems to make mucuna a worthwhile remedy to use against jitters. Other dopamine-increasing foods and plants are listed here.
Read also: natural health remedy entries on anxiety, nervousness and mental health problems.
Natural Health Remedies A-Z - full list of conditions
This list is work in progress... New remedies are added weekly. Much of the information I have been collecting is still unwritten - I am doing the best I can to share it with you. However, if you would like me to write about a specific condition you can leave a request below or contact me directly.
Natural health remedy for arthritis
Trauma release exercises
The pulse test for food intolerances
Natural health remedy for parasites
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Edition 3.0: Cheap Revolutionary Health Ebook: 68 Natural Tricks and Methods - The Amazing Power of Small Everyday Tasks
AIDS Abdominal Bloating Abdominal Fat Acid Reflux Acne Addiction Addiction to Cigarettes ADHD Adrenal Fatigue Adrenal Insufficiency Aggression Aging Alcoholism Allergies Alzheimer's Disease Anemia Anger Angina Anorexia Anxiety Arteriosclerosis Arthritis Asthma Aspergillus Mold Infection Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Autism Autoimmune Disorders
Bacterial Infections Bad Breath Back Pain Brain Fog Bee Sting Behavioral Difficulties Belly Fat Bipolar Disorder Bloated Belly Blood Clotting Blood Pressure, High Blood Sugar Imbalance Bone Density Loss Brain Tumor Breast Cancer Burnout
Caffeinism Calcifications Cancer Candida Yeast Infection Carbohydrate Sensitivity Cardiovascular Disease Carpal Tunnel Syndrome Cataracts Cell-Wall Deficient Bacteria Cholesterol, Too High Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Cigarette Addiction Cold Sore Colds, Common Colon Cancer Confidence Problems Constipation Copper Toxicity Cough Cravings for Alcohol Cravings for Food Cravings for Sugar Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
Degenerative Joint Disease Dehydration Dementia Depression Dermatitis Diabetes Diarrhea Digestive Problems Dysbiosis Ear Infection Ebola Eczema Edema Emotional Control Problems Endocrine Problems Endometriosis Epilepsy Estrogen Dominance Estrogen Deficiency Eyesight, Poor
Health and Lifestyle Remedies - F-G
Fatigue Fear Fibrocystic Breast Disease Fibroids Fibromyalgia Flatulence Food Allergies Food Intolerance Gas General Health Problems Gum Disease Gut and Psychology Syndrome (GAPS)
Hangover Headaches Heartburn Heart Disease Heart Palpitations Hepatitis Herpes Virus Heavy Metal Toxicity Hiccups Histamine Intolerance HIV Hormonal Problems, Women Hormone Imbalance Hot Flashes Hyperthyroidism Hypoglycaemia Hypothyroidism
Immune System, Weak Infections Infertility Inflammation Inflammatory Bowel Disease Influenza (Flu) Intracellular Bacteria Infections Insomnia Intestinal Dysbiosis Insulin Resistance Intestinal Permeability Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) Jitters
Kidney Stones Knee Pain Leaky Gut Syndrome Leukemia Liver Weakness Low Blood Sugar Lung Cancer Lupus Lyme's Disease
Meniere's Disease Menopause Menstrual Cramps Menstrual Pain Mental Health Problems Metabolic Syndrome Migraines Mineral Deficiencies Mold Infection Moodiness Mosquito Bites Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Muscle Pain Mycoplasma Fermentans Infection
Nanobacteria Infections Nausea Neck Pain Nervous System Disorders Nervousness Nightmares Obesity Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Osteoporosis Overweight
Pain Paranoia Parasites Parkinson's Disease Period Pain Phobias PMS Polio Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Post-Nasal Drip Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) Prediabetes Premenstrual Syndrome Progesterone Deficiency Prostate Problems Psoriasis Psychosis Puffiness
Radiation Poisoning Red Eyes Restless Feet Restless Leg Syndrome Rheumatism Rheumatoid Arthritis Runny Nose
Scars Schizophrenia Sciatica Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) Shingles Sinus Infection Sinusitis Skin Conditions Sleep Apnea Smoking Snoring Stagnation in the Body Stomach Ache Stomach Fat Stress Sugar Addiction Swelling Swine Flu
Thirst Thyroid, Sluggish or Too Slow Tics Tinnitus Tiredness Tooth Decay Toothache Tourette's Syndrome Trauma Tuberculosis (TB) Tumors Ulcerative Colitis Vertigo Violence Viral Infections Water Retention
Ulla is the Editor of Cheap Health Revolution, covering natural remedies and health solutions. Read more about Ulla and this website here: "About CHR"