100% of the human population are affected by some type of parasite. Almost all have experienced a bacterial or viral infection and many suffer from candida yeast overgrowth, whether they know it or not. Some of the most common parasites are estimated to affect 33% of the world population each, so imagine how many people have more than one of these. In addition to microbes, various types of worms, lukes, ticks etc. can invade human bodies too, and then there are the less known types: mycoplasmas, molds, nanobacteria, etc. Even mosquitoes are considered parasites since they feed off the human blood.
I will discuss treatments and my personal story in more detail later in this article but first I will give you a wider perspective on the problem.
Although parasites in animals are openly discussed and treated, it is a shame that in humans these conditions receive less attention. To get diagnosed with a parasite or a parasitic infection, you can first speak to your doctor and see what they can do - perhaps they will refer you to an infectious disease specialist or someone else who might take a sample of your faeces and blood for analysis, and in more serious cases they might use other detection methods, such as x-rays, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), CAT scans, endoscopy and colonoscopy. Usually doctors won't be able to diagnose anywhere near all parasites, however. Live blood analysis may be an immensely helpful additional tool, and this is usually done by a nutritionist.
The other option, at least in less serious cases, is to self-diagnose by just researching how your symptoms might be linked to parasites, and by trying different parasite cleansing methods to see if they make a difference. There are many testimonials relating to parasites on You Tube and on Curezone.org, as well as elsewhere on the internet.
This makes sense because most parasites feed on sugar, and also because the blood sugar measurements I took using a home-measuring device showed very stable blood sugar levels.
Depending on the parasite, the symptoms can also include stomach and digestive system problems, such as stomach pain, gas and diarrhea; respiratory system difficulties, such as asthma-like symptoms or sinusitis; mental disorders, such as nervous system disorders, depression, brain fog and poor memory; and many other problems.
Some serious illnesses have been also shown to have links with parasitic infections, for example: autoimmune diseases, cancer, heart disease, dementia, autism, etc.
According to Dr. Robert Becker there are some 150 identified human parasites that exist in the USA and more than 500 that exist in the tropical regions of the world. Parasites can be divided into four groups: 1) those that are single-celled (or non-cellular) organisms that live and multiply inside humans 2) those that are larger, more complex organisms that can live alone or inside humans, for example many types of worms and flukes 3) those that feed through the human skin and include fleas, ticks and mites, among other things.
This article refers mostly to the first two types of parasites, both of which live inside humans.
Wikipedia has a list of parasites in humans, which includes:
Missing from Wikipedia's list are single-celled parasites which are not protozoa, namely bacteria, viruses, fungi, molds, cell-wall deficient bacteria and other similar pathogens.
Viral infections in humans most commonly involve the nose, throat and upper airways. Most common symptoms are sore throat, sinusitis, and the common cold. Some of the more severe ones are influenza and pneumonia*. Viral infections in other parts of the body are possible as well, for example hepatitis in the liver, novovirus in the gastrointestinal tract, rabies or west nile virus in the brain, herpes in the sexual organs, and warts in the skin. The feared ebola is a virus as well.
Bacterial infections are caused by pathogenic bacteria. But most bacteria are not harmful, in fact humans live in symbiosis with many of them. There are ten times more bacteria in the human body than there are cells, totalling many trillions. Most bacteria live on the skin and in the spaces between teeth and gums, as well as in the mucus membranes that line the throat, intestine and vagina. Many of these have useful functions, such as breaking down food particles in the intestine. If the mucus membranes are damaged, however, the bacteria can invade tissues that are usually off-limits to them and cause disease, e.g. sinuses, middle ear, lungs, brain, abdomen, pelvis and blood. Some of the most well-known bacterial infections include: tuberculosis, pneumonia*, meningitis, sepsis, shigella, campylobacter, salmonella, tetanus, typhoid fever, chlamydia, diphtheria, syphilis and leprosy.
Wikipedia has a list of 216 infectious diseases, which includes many viral and bacterial infections.
In addition there are fungi which cause infection in humans, which can be divided into yeasts, molds and mushrooms. Out of the 1.5 million known species of fungi on earth, about 300 can cause illness in humans. Some of the infections resulting from fungal diseases are: aspergillosis, blastomycosis, candidiasis, valley fever, eye infections, histoplasmosis, pneumonia*, ringworm** and sporotrichosis.
*Note that pneumonia is all three lists: fungal diseases, bacterial diseases and viral diseases. This is because many different pathogens are able to cause pneumonia. **Note also that although 'ringworm' sounds like a worm, it is actually a fungal infection.
Then there are nanobacteria, which were discovered in 1993. They are found in all human body tissues and body fluids, and have been linked to kidney stones, other calcification-related diseases, cancer, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's Disease and even viral infections such as HIV. Some research indicates that these can be transmissable from person to person. However, the latest research with what are sometimes called 'calcium-forming organisms' seems to indicate that these particles are not actually alive, even though they resemble bacteria and even seem to multiply under an electron microscope. This view is supported by the fact that they seem to be too small to have DNA, and therefore do not fit the definition of a living thing.
Whereas the diameter of human hair is 100,000 nanometers (nm), and a red blood cell diameter is 7,000 nm, nanobacterium which was detected in human blood was 50 nm in diameter. By comparison, the smallest known lifeform, mycoplasma bacterium, measures 200 nm. A double-strand of DNA is more than 2 nm in diameter and ribosomes of a cell are 20 nm, which both are essential to life. Thus it would seem that a functioning DNA could not fit inside a 50 nm 'cell'. The different types of nanobacteria found in fossils and living tissues range from 10-500 nm in diameter. This is as reported in the Scientific American magazine, January 2010 issue ("The Truth About Nanobacteria").
However, even though nanobacteria are deemed by some research to be too small to be alive, there are so-called cell-wall deficient bacteria, which can be as small as 10 nm, and so are sometimes considered 'nanobacteria' as well.
The commonly accepted cell-wall deficient bacteria (CWD bacteria, intracellular bacteria), some of which are also called L-form bacteria, can be as small as 0.01 microns in diameter, which is equal to 10 nanometers. The reason they can be so small is because they lack a cell wall and as a result, they live inside human cells. Some species of these bacteria that have been implicated in chronic disease include: Bacillus anthracis (Anthrax), Treponema pallidum (Syphilis etc.), Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Tuberculosis), Heliobacter pylori (previously called Campylobacter pylori, may cause ulcers or stomach cancer), Rickettsia prowazekii (Typhus) and Borrelia burgdorferi (Lyme's Disease).
These CWD bacteria are small enough that they cannot be seen with a normal light microscope, but can be seen in an electron microscope. (Dark field microscopy uses both.) The cell-wall deficient bacteria cannot be killed by many commonly used antibiotics, which usually target cell walls. Since they live inside human cells (including macrophages), they easily go undetected by the immune system. These bacteria are also not killed by high heat treatments such as pasteurization or boiling, nor by chlorination, and some of them can even survive in dry environments indefinitely.
It is now believed by many scientists and researchers that there is a general link between chronic inflammatory diseases and cell-wall deficient bacteria. Intracellular bacteria may be responsible for Lyme's disease, chronic fatigue syndrome, uveitis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, rheumatoid arthritis, fibromyalgia, diabetes type II, psoriasis, lupus, multiple sclerosis, etc.
"Evidence now confirms that noncommunicable chronic diseases can stem from infectious agents."
- Centers for Disease Control, USA government
Further reading: "Cell Wall Deficient Forms: Stealth Pathogens", book by Lida H Mattman.
Some of the treatments that may be effective against these intracellular bacteria are described below and here: Natural Health Remedy Library: Mycoplasmas.
(The paragraph above this one discussed nanobacteria as calcium-forming organisms.)
Doctors usually treat parasitic infections with different types of antibiotics and anti-parasitic drugs, depending on the infection. This may be necessary in some cases, but antibiotics usually serve to suppress the immune system and to destroy gut flora, both of which are a crucial defence mechanisms against parasites. When one parasite is killed by antibiotics, another one quite often is strengthened, such as candida, whose overgrowth is often made possible by antibiotics. In addition, many parasites are becoming resistant to antibiotics.
Keep in mind that these parasites exist everywhere. It is said that a new-born baby breathes in candida from the air within its first four days of existence in this world. The air is full of parasites and they cannot be avoided, therefore the best approach for prevention is to strengthen the human immune system (white blood cells attack invaders), and ensure a healthy gut flora (beneficial bacteria in the intestines fight the bad bacteria), and ensure strong stomach acid levels (kills pathogens in food during digestion).
However, once the infectious organism has spread into the body, it can become increasingly difficult to eliminate because it tends to find places to hide.
Let's take the common problem of candida yeast as an example. It is everywhere in our environment, and will always reside in our intestines. In a healthy person, however, it is kept in check by the body's beneficial bacteria in the gut. When the bacteria gets destroyed by antibiotics, stress, certain foods, etc., candida starts to overgrow. And as it grows it excretes more and more toxins, among them acetaldehyde and gliotoxin.
Too much acetaldehyde is equivalent to alcohol poisoning and can cause oxidative stress. According to some reports it can also damage DNA in cells and has been linked to some cancers. Gliotoxin, on the other hand, stimulates the death of liver cells, suppresses the immune system and kills immune system cells. These toxins have also been linked to multiple sclerosis and general nervous system damage.
Candida can cause a leaky-gut syndrome, at which point the lining of the intestines becomes damaged and permeable to chemicals, parasites and food irritants, and these get reabsorbed into the body from the digestive system. This enables candida to gradually spread into all parts of the body and eventually into every tissue, even the brain. Systemic candida overgrowth can cause digestive disturbances, migraines, skin conditions like acne and eczema, stiff joints, brain fog, sugar cravings, alcohol cravings, hormonal imbalances, and many other issues, including all the problems linked to free radical damage in the body, such as inflammation, aging, mental health challenges, etc.
The most common methods for keeping candida and other fungal infections in check include taking strong probiotics (to improve intestinal defenses of the body); eating fermented foods (for probiotics); eliminating sugars, starches and processed carbohydrates from the diet, and taking foods and supplements that kill these different types of organisms. These methods seemed to work pretty well for me when I did the McCombs Plan.
These are all very important steps in the process of restoring the health of the body, detoxifying parasite byproducts and killing the parasites. However, often this approach involves a long process of strict eating, fighting cravings (which the parasites cause) and hoping that the remedies work.
As you can see, candida can be quite a persistent and difficult resident in our bodies. And if you wanted to treat candida and other potential infectious organisms by diet and wholefood-based antiviral, antibiotic and antifungal products alone, you might find it quite difficult. The methods described here are very important and valuable but...
With most parasites, it is crucial to eliminate sugar from the diet because it feeds parasites. This shouldn't be too big of a problem, apart from the fact that many parasites stimulate processes in the human body that cause very strong sugar cravings. Nevertheless, this is an important part of the remedy and has to be done - and processed sugar is a poison anyway, even to a healthy body.
Next, you will have to eliminate all processed foods, especially starchy carbohydrates, grains and bleached products, because these destroy gut flora, also called beneficial bacteria, and while this is being destroyed, it can fight candida, and yeast overgrowth results.
Then there are the supplements, stress reduction, avoidance of toxins and alcohol, and detoxification mentioned above.
However, when it comes to something like the aspergillus mold infection, the picture becomes more difficult. Aspergillus is a mold, and in severe infections, for example if the fungal mass can be detected in a x-ray, you might get antibiotics as a treatment from a doctor. But then you might have a candida problem as a result of the antibiotics... Antibiotics are sometimes necessary and if you do need to take them, make sure to take strong probiotics afterwards. In cases of any serious symptoms, always see your doctor and don't rely on self treatment.
However, if your aspergillus infection goes undetected by the doctor, like mine did, you might find that live blood analysis or some other method is able to recognise it and confirm that you do have it in your body. In this case it will be difficult to get antibiotics to treat it, even if you wanted them. And maybe, since the infection might not be that severe, you prefer to take a natural wholefood approach anyway.
A strict dietary approach can be helpful, which involves avoiding anything that feeds mold, has mold within it or causes phlegm in the body. You will thus have to avoid sugars because they feed mold, all uncooked foods because they may have infectious agents in them, you will have to boil your tap water before drinking, avoid all dried foods because of frequent mold contamination, avoid many processed foods because aspergillus is used in preparing them, avoid all fruit and fruit juices because of mold contamination and sugar content, and you will have to also be careful with which supplements you take, etc. It is not impossible to do this but it sounds to me at least very, very difficult.
In my case aspergillus symplasts were found in my blood by live blood analysis. Symplasts are structures that indicate that there is aspergillus infection in the tissues. Well, I got scared, especially after hearing that it caused lung infection, and went to see a doctor, only to be told that my lung x-rays were clean and that there was no way I had an aspergillus infection. To be sure, I emailed the hair mineral analysis nutritionist I was consulting with at the time as well, who also said not to worry - he thought that my immune system would take care of the infection on its own once it got stronger as a result of their supplementation and dietary program. The live blood analyst herself also gave me dietary and supplementary recommendations only.
Well, I did the diets and took the supplements, rigorously at times, half-heartedly at other times, and sometimes I ended up dropping the suggestions altogether, mainly due to being too busy at work and/or not being able to afford more high-quality foods and supplements. I found that cutting out sugar and drastically reducing carbs really helped to ease my symptoms and fatigue, and thought for a long time that this was because of problem with blood sugar generally, without realizing that the sugar caused a worsening of the aspergillus infection. Soon I forgot to worry about the aspergillus altogether.
But the symptoms remained, despite all my best efforts to eliminate them: cough (especially after eating), mucus congestion, tightness in the lungs, blocked and numb feeling sinuses (sinusitis), tiredness, anxiety (aspergillus produces neurotoxins), hot flushes, heart palpitations, etc. Until I received an email from a nutritionist in Switzerland who had read my live blood analysis report and decided to get in touch.
In February 2015 I got an email from a lady in Switzerland, who was also a hair mineral analyst. She said that although hair mineral analysis could not detect parasites, combining it with live blood analysis produced better results. She suggested isopathic remedies in healing aspergillus, as they had worked wonders for her and eliminated the chronic cough she had had for two years within 10 days.
I have now ordered these remedies for myself and will report back on whether they work or not.
"It has been proven extensively that O3 [ozone] will kill bacteria, viruses, fungi and molds by attaching to them and oxidizing and eliminating them, oxidizing means to burn without giving off light or heat. These bacteria and other microbes are lower life form organisms and are mostly anaerobic. That means they can't live around activated oxygen/ozone."
- Ed McCabe in 'Flood Your Body with Oxygen', p. 191
Just how much ozonated water made with a less expensive device (I paid $350) helps towards eliminating specific parasites, such as aspergillus, is left to see. My ozonator is on its way in the post and I will soon start using it and report on the results.
The problem with many parasite-killing methods is that they don't reach all parts of the body and the parasites can hide where there is stagnancy, e.g. in the lymph or deep inside tissues or organs where blood flow is compromised. However, a combination of different methods should be able to clean the blood efficiently enough that the immune system is sufficiently strengthened and can then eliminate the rest of the mold on its own. Combining water ozonation with the other methods described below, plus probiotics AND a sugar-free diet, low in carbohydrates and processed foods, should hopefully rid me of this parasitic organism.
The added benefit is that ozonated water can be used to disinfect mold spores and many other pathogens residing on the surface of fruit, vegetables and can even be used in cleaning meat prior to cooking. Table tops can be disinfected as well using ozone, and it has many other beneficial household uses as well.
"I was very ill with a fungal sinus infection (aspergillus). Apart from the sinusitis I was suffering from extreme tiredness, mental fog, dizziness, nausea, poor memory and concentration (I felt as if I had been drugged), muscle and joint pains, and a horrible numb burning and tingling sensation down my arms and legs...
"When I started drinking ozonated water I felt better almost immediately. The difference was quite dramatic. The mental fog cleared completely, the muscle pains vanished, and the weird tingling and burning completely disappeared. If I don't drink ozonated water for a day, these symptoms return, so I am quite certain that drinking the water has helped enormously."
- P.H., UK, testimonial in the Bob Beck Protocol handbook
Useful information on ozonated water, and how to take it, is provided for example here: Cancertutor.com > Ozonated Water Supplemental Treatment for Cancer.
The full Bob Beck Protocol includes the above ozonated water together with blood electrification, electromagnetic pulsing, and silver colloids, all of which can be made at home according to the schematics and instructions of Dr. Robert Beck (a.k.a. Bob Beck).
The silver colloids specifically have been described by some users as being effective even against the 'hardy cell wall deficient' bacteria, which are otherwise hard to kill. For more information, read: mycoplasmas.
I have personally found the blood electrification very effective against the common cold, even swine flu, and whenever I use it now I seem to get relief from most of the aspergillus-related symptoms within just over an hour, while drinking plenty of water at the same time.
It is unfortunately beyond the scope of this article to be able to explain in more detail how the Bob Beck Protocol works but all the needed information is easily available online - on You Tube, Bobbeck.com and in other places.
The above handbook is available to download from Bobbeck.com. Sota Instruments in Canada sell the machines if you don't want to make them yourself. They have distributors in other countries as well so email them to ask before ordering across country borders.
Note that the dieoff symptoms, when your body has to excrete the dead parasites and their toxins, may be substantial, so start very slowly with these treatments, drink huge amounts of water, take vitamin C, ensure plenty of antioxidants, rest when needed, take enemas and colonics, coffee enemas, liver cleanses, and whatever other methods you know off to help the body detoxify more easily. Many people don't realize how powerful these methods are and end up feeling very ill.
Orthomolecular doctors and researchers use vitamin C not only to inactivate parasitic viruses and bacteria, but also to help with detoxification and healing of many different illnesses in the body. It is an antioxidant, but also an essential nutrient, without which our immune system cannot function properly. Most animals produce their own vitamin C and, interestingly, are not susceptible to many of the same diseases as humans are.
"Vitamin C has been used effectively against all viruses and bacteria against which it has been tried. The dose necessary for effective therapy against some viruses may be 30 to 40 grams per day, while against other viruses may be as high as 100 or even 200 grams per day. If the dose is too low, maximum therapeutic effect is not obtained. Effective dose is determined by 'bowel tolerance' limit", beyond which diarrhea occurs."
- Udo Erasmus in 'Fats That Heal, Fats That Kill'
"Clinical reports suggest that taking vitamin C almost to bowel tolerance every day (in divided doses) will help to protect you against all viruses." - Steve Hickey and Hilary Roberts
If you plan on megadosing with vitamin C, please increase the dosage gradually, starting with a low dose. Don't use capsules or any form of supplement which has additional ingredients, because you don't want to overdose on these. Ensure that you get the vitamin C from a trustworthy source and that it is safe to eat. As with all supplements, and unless fighting a very serious illness, it is a good idea to take breaks weekly or monthly, so that the body doesn't get used to receiving the same supplement regularly from an external source and develop some sort of dependency. Please also read the guidance on vitamin C megadosing available on Doctoryourself.com and Orthomolecular.org, as I cannot guarantee that it is safe.
Personally I have found that I felt a lot stronger quite quickly when I was taking vitamin C powder 4x per day, 4g each time. I used ascorbic acid powder, which is a very cheap for of vitamin C and can be bought in a health food shop. I found out that it stopped me from being able to sleep at night, however, so I now take only one 4g dose first thing in the morning. This is probably not enough on its own to eliminate aspergillus, however.
Worthy of further research are the following herbal parasite remedies:
Garlic, goldenseal, wormwood, grapefruit seed extract, black walnut hull, cloves, pumpkin seeds or pumpkin seed oil capsules, neem, thyme, marshmallow root, food grade diatomaceous earth.
Some sources say that to kill worms you need to take as much as 500mg of wormwood and black walnut hull for 14 days, as well as 1/2 teaspoon of cloves, which kills the eggs. Please study these methods carefully before trying. Also, take into account the cleansing reactions which may be unpleasant, as the body has to expel all the dead worms and/or parasites.
According to David Wolfe, 'hot' foods, such as garlic, onions, hot peppers, ginger and radishes can also kill parasites. He also recommends aged garlic extracts, reishi, cordyceps, noni seed powder, cat's claw, citric acid and adaptogenic herbs (ginseng, goji berries, ashwaghandha, nettles, rhodiola, tulsi), etc. to eliminate parasites. More information in 'Longevity Now'. David Wolfe also states that blue mangosteen powder is effective in driving out nanobacteria.
See also natural antiviral herbs, foods and remedies as recommended by Mike Adams in this article: "Ebola Virus Information".
Also, general immune system support is important: zinc, sunlight, selenium, fresh air, good hydration (water), live green juices, elimination of sugar and processed foods, eating a wholefood-based diet and rest.
According to Dr. Lawrence Wilson (link to his article below), liver parasites are the most common type of parasites in the USA. He mentions that coffee enemas for liver and gallbladder detoxification, GB3 supplement (ox bile, pancreatin enzymes, Russian black radish) and infrared saunas can help reduce the parasite load. Personally I would think that using these together with some of the approaches above would be the best approach. Other liver detoxification methods may be helpful as well. He also mentions that colonic irrigation can be very helpful in removing parasites in the colon.
I wonder if my 'cold and damp' body constitution as analysed by the Chinese Doctor is caused by aspergillus. In ayurvedic medicine (Indian traditional medicine) a similar body type is called 'vata'. It has been suggested by Jameth Sheridan that vata body types may find it more difficult to feel good on a raw food diet, because they need cannot tolerate cold very well and need heat and warmth in their bodies. This is also linked to Dr. Lawrence Wilson's suggestion that raw foods are too 'Yin' and warm, cooked foods bring warm 'Yang' energy into the body. During my last raw food challenge I experienced quite substantial problems when sticking to near-100% raw foods for almost a month, despite having some benefits at the same time. Dr Lawrence Wilson also states on his website that people whose bodies are 'too Yin' tend to have more problems with parasites.
At the same time it is clear that many people thrive on the raw food diet. It seems that especially people living in very warm climates do well. Therefore it will be interesting to see if and when I eliminate aspergillus - and any other possible pathogens - whether my tolerance of cold and raw foods changes, and whether a different 'body type' emerges. I will report back soon.
Natural Health Remedy Library: Parasites, infections, aspergillus, candida, mycoplasmas, bacteria, viruses, intestinal dysbiosis, bloated stomach, stomach pain, sugar cravings, alcohol cravings, food cravings, autoimmune diseases, Lyme's disease, Alzheimer's disease, leaky gut syndrome, nervous system weakness, mental health problems, sugar addiction, food intolerance, allergies.
Dr. Lawrence Wilson on Parasites (external link)
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Ulla is the Editor of Cheap Health Revolution, covering natural remedies and health solutions. Read more about Ulla and this website here: "About CHR"