One of the most exciting things about raw foodism are the amazing smoothies. The taste of a raw food smoothie is completely superior to a normal milk smoothies: for a proof of this, try the 'Vibrations' smoothie recipe below. Raw smoothies contain amazing amounts of minerals, vitamins, enzymes, phytonutrients and other micro-nutrients, and they are delicious.
Protein Shakes: To turn the recipes below into protein shakes, add hemp seeds, chia seeds, spirulina, almonds, etc. into the smoothie.
The best blender out there is of course Vitamix. It is not cheap but should last you a lifetime.
In addition, the best quality water available on the planet is that stored inside plants - and live smoothies consist to a large degree of this water. On a liquid diet, such as a smoothie or a juice fast, you can rejuvenate all the blood in your body in two days (according to Daniel Vitalis). Our bodies are 80% water and many of us have 'tap water blood'. Living spring water together with a healthy smoothie diet can hugely improve the quality of our blood and the health of our bodies.
The benefits of smoothies are enormous. Apart from the health benefits one of the practical benefits is that they can be surprisingly filling and keep hunger for a long time. It is also the perfect 'emergency food' when you are busy and suddenly become hungry. Smoothies are probably the fastest food on the planet to prepare and the dishes (your knife, the blender jug, and chopping board) don't need washing, just rinsing. Smoothies thus can form the basis of the ultimate 21st Century lifestyle. To read about the importance of green smoothies on a raw food diet specifically, please see the book review on Victoria Boutenko's: 'Green for Life'.
Green smoothies have endless cleansing and rejuvenating powers. The more you can drink the better, but an easy way to start is with a large smoothie each morning, together with a reduced version of your normal breakfast. But drink the smoothie slowly, it is so filling that if you gulp it down quickly you may get a belly ache!
The health benefits of green smoothies include: all the benefits of chlorophyll, listed here in: "Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice, as Taught by Ann Wigmore", e.g. ability to detoxify heavy metals, ability to help blood transport more oxygen into the cells, plenty of minerals, vitamins, and other important nutrients, improvement of stomach acid and therefore digestion, fibre to improve colon health, and all the benefits of living water, listed here: Living Water.
Greens also have in them plenty of protein.
In addition to all these health benefits, greens are also water-rich, alkaline foods, and help you balance your body ph (to not be too acidic) and prevent you from dehydrating.
So let's get to the point of this article. You will need a blender, which you can buy fairly cheaply. My first blender has served me a year and I bought it for £20. I would advice you, however, to not buy one of blenders with the smallest jug sizes but get a good size jug - it will be beneficial being able to make larger quantities at once.
If you have money to invest, the next step up from a normal blender for green and other healthy smoothies is a power-blender, which generally has more durable blades and can achieve higher speeds. With a power blender, it is claimed, more nutrients get released as the ingredients are chopped to smaller pieces. The most expensive and revered of all blenders, the Vitamix, claims that it can break down the cell walls of chlorophyll, for example, enabling more nutrients to become bioavailable to the body. Personally, I use a normal cheap blender so far and it has served me well (Vitamix costs about £400).
If you don't have a power blender, I recommend also investing some £10 into an electronic coffee grinder, which you can use to break down nuts and seeds. Power blenders, on the other hand, are able to chop nuts and seeds as well and you don't need to pre-grind them.
And now for the healthy green smoothie recipes:
This is a quick and easy green smoothie recipe, which I often make myself for breakfast.
This green smoothie recipe is for a tangy, lemony taste which I personally love but you may use less lemon if you're not such a great fan. But the main attraction to the taste buds is the fresh coriander.
This healthy smoothie is not green and includes in it soya milk, which is not raw. If you would like to make a fully raw version of this, use home-made almond milk instead of soya milk. You can make it by blending a small amount of almonds, cinnamon (optional), dates and water into a milk-type consistency.
This smoothie is pure hedonism. It is definitely the tastiest one on this list. Once you have indulged in the flavours of the pure version of this heavenly creation, you can later start 'hiding' some green leaves into it, if you wish.
Raw Food Life Force Energy: Enter a Totally New Stratosphere of Weight Loss, Beauty, and Health by Natalia Rose
This book outlines a weekly raw food diet plan which includes drinking green smoothies.
Victoria Boutenko: "Green Smoothie Revolution: The Radical Leap Towards Natural Health":
The Green Smoothie Prescription: A Complete Guide to Total Health:
Green Smoothie Retreat: A 7-Day Plan to Detox and Revitalize at Home:
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Ulla is the Editor of Cheap Health Revolution, covering natural remedies and health solutions. Read more about Ulla and this website here: "About CHR"